6 weeks. We've got this! It’s all about mindset. I am my kids’ first teacher. I am missing being out on the road and speaking. I am also missing my college students but finding new ways to connect with them as well. As we settle into the new norm in the Rowe household, I am learning that #grace is becoming one of the most important acts. We are #TeamRowe! That little saying reminds me of the importance of connection. I have compiled a list of things we are doing to break up our days and stay learning ready during this time of #physicalisolation. This is also a time to find new ways to promote #socialconnection.
Math resources
As we embark on homeschooling, I think it is important to go slow and give yourself and kids a break. We are all navigating new situations and finding and establishing new routines. Make learning fun. Here are some fun math games from We Are Teachers with a deck of cards. Check them out for more learning ideas. Bed Time Math is another great resource for math skills without technology.
Nourishing the creative side
We have been enjoying this daily doodle activity with Mo Willems. My youngest loves his books and even my middle schooler has enjoyed his videos. It is good to feed the creative side. My kids are going to make a book with all their doodles. If you are creative challenged, like me, you can go to Mrs. Brown Art lessons and find all sorts of lessons via PowerPoint (or Google slides). I also got to share some of these favorite videos from my childhood of Bob Ross.
Don’t forget nature
Ranger Rick is providing 3 months of free access to magazines. You do need to sign up for an account but it was super easy. My youngest loves learning about animals and nature. There are some great suggestions on their website for outdoor activities that kids can do in their back yard or maybe on a walk around the neighborhood. The Snohomish County Fire Department will be hosting a lesson on Facebook, The science of fire! on March 24, 2020 at 11am PDT.
Because the library is closed
We went to the library before they shut down for several weeks in our area. However, you can never have enough books. EPIC! is allowing 30 days of free access to all their reading material. You do need a credit card to sign up. When I signed up I I made a note of the date so I could cancel before I get charged. If you get your teacher to sign up there is no credit card requirement.
Music resources
We have been listening to a lot of music in our family. We love music. It is nice to have something playing in the background while we are working. We have used some of these videos as brain breaks. We also enjoy watching James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke.
Yo-Yo Ma is going to do a series of compilations. Follow on Twitter #SongsOfComfort
Lin-Manuel Miranda (known for Hamilton) a song no-one has likely heard. Not appropriate for little kids. Preview before sharing with littles.
Maurizio Marchini singing in Italy.
Seattle Symphony will broadcast two performances on 3/19 and 3/21
Go places without leaving your home
Take a Virtual Field Trip. I think it is important to get outside while still keeping physical distance but we can also use technology to escape.
A few other online resources
BrianPOPhas short animated videos and then interactive quizzes and other supporting activites for more learning. You need to create an account but it is free right now.
HippoCampus is a free site that has videos on all sorts of education topics. This is aimed towards older children. Ask your teacher to sign up.
All Kids Networkso many free worksheets, printable, coloring and other activities for younger kids.