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Education consultant, college professor and SEL geek. Striving to make systems serving children & teens safer, kinder, healthier & trauma invested.

Aug 25, 20201 min read
5 Wellness tips to start your year
At the start of the year many of us start with a full tank of gas and we are at our best. As the year continues we deplete our tanks....

Aug 12, 20205 min read
Creating Connection During COVID
As schools across the country are either making plans to reopen or have already reopened, there are many feelings that families, students...

May 29, 20204 min read
Finishing the year strong
I want to highlight that it’s okay to feel like the end of this interrupted school year is a more emotional experience than normal. This...

May 19, 20203 min read
Brain Catcher
When I was growing up a favorite past time was to make "cootie catchers" with my friends to predict our future and make decisions. During...

May 15, 20205 min read
Brain Books for Regulation
These last two months have been a mixture of feelings. I have been grateful for more time with my youngest kids and the ability to be...

Apr 21, 20205 min read
5 lessons from 5 weeks of at home learning
1. Grace. Grace is a necessity. Grace for myself, for my kids, and for the school employees. The first few weeks of at home learning we...

Mar 19, 20203 min read
We've got this!
6 weeks. We've got this! It’s all about mindset. I am my kids’ first teacher. I am missing being out on the road and speaking. I am also...

Mar 15, 20207 min read
6 Week Wellness Calendar
For many of us we are facing inordinate amounts of stress and a rapid altering of the routines and expectations we know. Teachers are...

Feb 14, 20192 min read
A gift of self-care for this Valentine's Day.
Valentine's day is typically seen as a holiday to spend with those who are important to you. And while it is important to connect with...

Feb 5, 20191 min read
Giving yourself love
When we give ourselves moments to acknowledge our failures and accomplishments that is self-love. The journey of caring for others can...

Nov 27, 20182 min read
Sculpting like Michelangelo
How we view and help reveal the inner potential of children will shape them into who they were meant to be. I recall a time where I was...

Oct 3, 20182 min read
Why not dance?
We dance in my family. We love to celebrate big and small things with a dance party. Sometimes we dance just because it is Friday. Other...

Sep 17, 20182 min read
Teaching children the power of mistakes
“Our brains renew themselves throughout life to an extent previously thought not possible.” ― Michael S. Gazzaniga My 6 year old son was...

Sep 17, 20181 min read
Stress farts
A while back I was in consultation with a staff member at an elementary school. He was relaying to me an interaction he had with a...

Aug 5, 20181 min read
Content coming soon
In the meantime follow me on twitter, @aorowe
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